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Issues related to Planning

Residential Planning Zones (Update)

By Melbourne City Council, Planning

Dear Madam/Sir,

The Minister for Planning has written to the City of Melbourne advising that he has approved Amendment C179 to the Melbourne Planning Scheme. We wanted to inform you of the Minister’s decision, given you have previously made a submission or shown interest in the application of the new residential zones.

The Minister’s letter states that the approval:

  • introduces three new Schedules to the General Residential Zone and applies them to parts of Kensington, Parkville, Carlton, North Melbourne, East Melbourne and Jolimont;
  • introduces the Residential Growth Zone and applies it to parts of Carlton and Parkville; and,
  • introduces the Neighbourhood Residential Zone and applies it to parts of South Yarra.

The amendment will come into effect when notice of its approval is published in the Victoria Government Gazette.

No detail beyond the information contained in the letter from the Minister is available at this stage.

As more information becomes available, we will continue to provide updates via Participate Melbourne (melbourne.vic.gov.au/participate).


Yours sincerely


Gisele Pratt

Manager, Strategic Planning

Senior Strategic Planner

Telephone: 03 9658 8654

Email: gispra@melbourne.vic.gov.au

National Trust: Goodrest site of State significance

By Heritage, Planning

The National Trust have expressed concern on the proposed Goodrest development on the corner of Leopold and 120 Toorak Road West, South Yarra.

Goodrest is classified by the National trust of Australia (Victoria) as being of State Significance.

 Attached below is a copy of the National Trust letter to the City of Melbourne

B1205 2014 10 21 Letter to City of Melbourne re Tree Removal Application


Changes to Residential Zoning

By Planning

Significant changes to the residential zoning has been legislated by the State Government and since March this year we have been making submissions to and involved in discussions with the City of Melbourne about how these zones should be applied in South Yarra. Our particular concern has been to ensure that the heritage streets are protected by the strictest zone which is Neighbourhood Residential.

What the outcome will be is dependent upon a report from the Residential Zones Standing Advisory Committee to the Planning Minister and our written submission to that Committee is on this website.

In addition verbal submissions were made to the Committee last Friday 19 September and most of the day was occupied with submissions concerning South Yarra.

It is unlikely that we will know the outcome for some time as the Committee has 20 days to lodge its report and recommendations with the Minister for Planning and the Minister then has to make the decision.



Submissions Plan

Update: 157-159 Domain Road

By Planning

The current position with 157-159 Domain Road is that although a permit to construct a three level building with a coffee shop on the ground floor and two restaurants above was approved by VACT subject to many conditions, no further steps have been notified to the City of Melbourne concerning compliance with any of those conditions.

The rumour is that the applicant is now considering different uses being a delicatessen on the ground floor and studio apartments on the first and second floors although nothing has been notified to Council and we have no other information.

However, it is not surprising, having regard to the issues and problems raised during the course of the contested application that the applicant has had to revise his plans.

You will remember that MSYRG spent a considerable amount of money opposing this application and indications are that it was money well spent as if such a change of use were to be the outcome the adverse impact upon the shopping centre and adjoining residents would be substantially if not wholly removed.

Matthew Guy, Victorian State Planning Minister, has stated that he has applied a cap on Licensed premises in South Yarra. We do not know the full details of the cap, which is a bit of a band-aid approach to planning ,but nevertheless a possible solution if properly applied.

Link to VCAT Ruling: 157-159 Domain Rd, South Yarra

Draft Planning Scheme Amendment C179 – Changes to the Residential Zones

By Melbourne City Council, Planning

Dear Madam/Sir,

I am writing to notify your organisation of proposed changes to the residential planning zones in the City of Melbourne and to encourage you to make a submission to the Standing Advisory Committee for their consideration.

The proposed new residential zones in the Melbourne Planning Scheme

The City of Melbourne has drafted a planning scheme amendment to guide the introduction of the new residential zones.

From 4 August to 29 August 2014 you can review and comment on the draft amendment.

The proposed zoning is based on the community’s earlier feedback in March and April 2014.

These changes only relate to residentially zoned areas in the City of Melbourne, covering parts of Kensington, Parkville, Carlton, South Yarra, North, East and West Melbourne, Jolimont and Southbank.

Information about the proposed changes can be viewed here: http://melbourne.vic.gov.au/participate/reszones.

Questions about these zones can be directed to Dianna Siomos, Strategic Planner at the City of Melbourne on 03 9658 8404 or diasio@melbourne.vic.gov.au.

The Committee

The Minister for Planning has appointed a Standing Advisory Committee (the Committee) to advise on the method andapplication of the new Neighbourhood Residential Zone, General Residential Zone and Residential Growth Zone into local planning schemes.

The role of the Committee is to:

  •  Give submitters an opportunity to be heard by an independent body in an informal, non-judicial manner.
  •  Give independent advice to the Minister for Planning as outlined in the Terms of Reference.

Information about the Committee can be found on the DTPLI webpage.

Making a submission

You can make a submission to the Committee before 5.00pm on Friday 29 August 2014.

Submissions can be made online at  www.dtpli.vic.gov.au/residential-zones-advisory-committee. Parties wishing to post awritten submission will need to obtain a hard copy of the Submission Coversheet from Planning Panels Victoria.


Submissions must be directed to the Committee through Planning Panels Victoria.  Council cannot accept submissions.

All submissions and information provided at the Hearing will be treated as public documents.

A Hearing is scheduled for the week starting Monday 15 September 2014. If you wish to present at the Hearing, pleasecomplete the relevant section of the Submission Coversheet.

Questions about the Advisory Committee, making a submission, or the public hearing, can be directed to Jessica Cutting, Senior Project Manager at Planning Panels Victoria on 8392 6383 or jessica.cutting@dtpli.vic.gov.au.

We thank you in advance for distributing this information to your networks and encouraging them to lodge their submission.

Yours sincerely

Jamee Baker on behalf of
David Mayes

Manager, Strategic Planning

Heritage Victoria – Melbourne Grammar School Development

By Heritage, Planning

VHR0019 Melbourne Grammar School


Permit application P20703 for the demolition of the Bromby Building and construction of a new Science and Technology building on its site. Submissions closed on 9 July 2014.

Melbourne Grammar School Heritage Impact Statement
Site plans
Lower ground floor plan
Elevation, existing conditions, demolition and floor plans


MSYRG Submission to Heritage Victoria Application VHR0019

Letter to Heritage Victoria 23 07 14

Melbourne – Review of Local Heritage Planning Policies

By Heritage, Melbourne City Council, Planning

Local Heritage Planning Policy Review


City of Melbourne is undertaking a review of their Local heritage Planning Policies

Residents are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the terms of reference and recommendations of the review


Click here to lodge a submission online



Letter received from City of Melbourne


Residential Re-Zoning – Ratepayers Ignored

By Committee, Melbourne City Council, Planning, State Government No Comments

At the City of Melbourne (COM) council meeting on 3 June more than 100 ratepayers (including MSYG members) attended to complain that they had not been given an opportunity to consider and discuss the final report by the Council planning department for the rezoning of the residential areas (including South Yarra) provided for under recent state government legislation.

This was a particularly important meeting because of the imminent introduction of new residential planning classifications. The MSYRG and many residents had advised the COM that the Neighbourhood Residential Zone (NRZ) classification, a classification that provides the strictest protection against inappropriate development and building, is the only appropriate classification for many areas within our suburb of South Yarra. Areas where heritage and neighbourhood character are important features warrant the protection afforded by the new controls in an NRZ zone.

Council was slow to take up the opportunity and failed to include NRZ in a number of obvious South Yarra streets either because they failed to understand the purpose of the legislation, applied the legislation incorrectly or made mistakes due to running short of time to make an adequate and thorough assessment.

There was an admission at the meeting that Council officers ran short of time to adequately conduct a thorough consultation process with the community due to pressure to conduct and finalise other work within the COM (East-West tunnel related activities).

The MSYRG and other resident Groups within the COM felt that it was a very disappointing consultation process to say the least.

However, we are continuing to prosecute our strong belief that a NRZ classification is largely correct for important areas of South Yarra and preparing submissions to the government committee that will have the final say.