State Government
1. The Victorian State Government is in the process of amending residential planning zones and at the end of the process they will be classified either:
(a) Residential Growth Zone close to transport and services and suitable for higher density living;
(b) General Residential Zone which allows modest housing growth and diversity in keeping with neighbourhood character; or
(c) Neighbourhood Residential Zone which limits housing growth and density allowing predominantly for single dwellings with a maximum building height of 8 metres.
City of Melbourne
2. Our South Yarra postcode area has been initially assessed by the City of Melbourne planners as a General Residential Zone which in a planning sense is similar to the existing requirements.
3. However, Council is seeking the opinion of and submissions from ratepayers and this has been the subject of considerable thought and discussion by members of the committee of the Melbourne South Yarra Residents Group. The committee believes significant parts of South Yarra should be a Neighbourhood Residential Zone (NRZ). The criteria specified by Government and Council for the NRZ are the following.
(a) In a heritage precinct with heritage overlays.
(b) In a stable, settled area.
(c) Large contiguous streetscapes consisting almost entirely of single dwelling lots.
MSYRG Committee
4. It is the view of the committee that large parts of South Yarra satisfy all or some of these requirements and have significant heritage value and neighbourhood character that should be recognised and protected.
5. It is the view of the Committee that the streets marked on the attached plan are those that should be zoned Neighbourhood Residential and preparation of a submission to Council in those terms has been commenced.
MSYRG members
6. However, before making any submission to Council the Committee wishes to bring these facts to the attention of all of its members so that they have the opportunity to consider and comment upon what is occurring. Further information can be obtained on the City of Melbourne website at:
7. Accordingly, if any member wishes to express a view about the conclusion currently formed by the committee or any relevant issues about what should or should not be included within the Neighbourhood Residential Zone they should communicate in writing to or telephone Michael Butcher on 0411 722 635 between 1.00pm and 2.00pm any day.
Urgent response needed
8. As our submission to Council must be completed by 25 April 2014 if a member wishes to express a view he or she must respond to this notice no later than 22 April 2014.
My apologies for the short time frame.
Michael Butcher
Melbourne South Yarra Residents’ Group Inc
View report written by local resident Angela Mackenzie who has been investigating the problem of helicopter traffic and associated noise over South Yarra
Article published in the Herald Sun
Residents call for light aircraft to buzz off from their skies

East Melbourne residents including Sebastian, 2, are unhappy about the loud flights over their inner city suburb. Picture: Janine Eastgate Source: News Limited
EAST Melbourne residents say the suburb is being buzzed by hundreds of noisy aircraft and helicopters and they want it stopped.
Shelley Faubel, of the East Melbourne Group, said the “onslaught” of aircraft over the suburb in recent years (200 flights were recorded in one weekend last April) was causing headaches.
“We are woken by planes early in the morning and at night,” Ms Faubel said.
“Some fly so low the doors shake and it’s hard to have a conversation. It’s like living near an airport.”
Ms Faubel said most of the aircraft were small planes and choppers, with training and joy flights, media and traffic choppers all drawn to the MCG and surrounds.
The East Melbourne Group has collected about 200 signatures on a petition and wants aircraft to travel over freeways or waterways so as not to disturb residents.
But the issue seems to fall into a regulatory black hole, with both Airservices Australia and the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASE) passing the buck.
Airservices Australia provides air traffic control and registers noise complaints, but spokeswoman Amanda Palmer said the aircraft were in uncontrolled airspace and “not under the control of Airservices’ air traffic controllers”.
CASE spokesman Peter Gibson said his organisation was accountable for safety issues and “do not cover environmental issues”.
Ms Faubel said residents were upset no one was looking out for their interests.
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Thursday 20th March, 2014
at South Yarra Senior Citizens Centre, Fawkner Park, South Yarra.
Present: Over 100
Apologies: Brian Tighe, Shadow Minister for Planning, David Baillieu,Louise Green,Cr. Louey, Cr Richard Foster, Cr Jackie Watts, James Matthies, Martin Drerup, Cr Oke, Cr Leppert. Elizabeth Douglas, Dianne Berlin
Welcome: by Michael Butcher, President
President’s Report:
1 A report on the VCAT decision regarding 155-157 Domain Road development. MSYG was involved in objecting to this development which has now been approved by VCAT, with 35 conditions to be fulfilled. Issues that continue focus on liquor licenses, traffic counts, the waste disposal programme and noise and MSYG will continue to liaise with CoM about these issues being addressed
2 MSYG is persisting in strongly voicing concerns about the change to the Commercial Zone 1 for 3141. The principal concern is the CoM will no longer have any capacity to stop development in Commercial Zone 1, particularly in the shopping strip of Domain Road
3 MSYG formally objected to the East-West Tunnel proposal
4 MSYG successfully lobbied for the new Japanese restaurant in Park Street to downsize its advertising street signage
5 Membership of MSYG is important for all residents as gives the group a better voice
Guest Speakers:
Mr Neil Pharaoh, Preselected Labor Candidate for Prahran
Spoke of the State Opposition’s commitment to education, transport and liveability, the latter including planning issues and on-going developments. He values community engagement and looks forward to active contact with 3141 residents over matters of concern
Mr David Mayes, Manager – Strategic Planning for the City of Melbourne
Spoke in detail about THE NEW RESIDENTIAL ZONES FOR THE CITY OF MELBOURNE paper. Currently 3141 is zoned Residential 1 Zone and it may become General Residential Zone. He urged everyone to read the pamphlet and go on the website and make a submission: This opportunity closes on Friday 25th April 2014 and a report will be made to Council for a decision in June 2014
In discussion it was agreed MSYG make a submission to CoM and attendees urged to go onto the website and put in a submission.
Financial Report:
The Financial Report was tabled. It was proposed as received by Anthony van der Craats, seconded by Douglas Butler. Motion Carried
Election of office bearers:
Nominations were accepted by Anthony van der Craats and seconded by Douglas Butler. Motion carried
President: Michael Butcher
Secretary: Andrew Bennett
Treasurer: Pam Dethridge
Committee: Jan Armstrong-Conn, Phil Lukies, and Anthony van der Craats.
1. Adoption of the new rules of the Association in accordance with the Associations Incorporation Reform Regulations 2012: the revised rules were proposed by Phil Lukies, seconded by Douglas Butler.
Motion carried unanimously.
2. Change of name of the Association from the Melbourne South Yarra Group Inc. to Melbourne South Yarra Residents Group Inc: the change of name was proposed by Phil Lukies, seconded by Douglas Butler.
Motion carried unanimously.
Other Business
1 Member for Prahran, Clem Newton-Brown MLA spoke about the Victorian Government’s introduction of the three new residential zones
2 A resident, Paul McSweeney, spoke about “GoodRest’ (corner of Leopold Street and Toorak Road West) and the Permit Application from Christchurch Grammar School to convert it to an Early Learning Centre. Local residents are very concerned that this is an inappropriate development in a residential area. He requested the meeting that those concerned file an Objection to CoM
3 Angela Mackenzie spoke about the disturbing increase of heavy helicopter traffic over 3141. She has been advised that the issue can only be address by a group voice contacting the Ombudsman. It was agreed that this matter would be discussed at the next MSYG committee meeting.
Meeting Closed
Below is the VCAT ruling in relation to the 157-159 Domain Road development
Dated: 3 January 2014
Project Domain Pty Ltd v City of Melbourne
VCAT Member: Bill Sibonis
The proliferation of restaurants and licences premises only serves to undermine the stated aim and obejctive of the Municipal Strategic Statement (MSS), Clause 21.08, Economic Development states:
There is a need to support the provision of local shops to serve the residential and working communities in local centres. A proliferation of eating and entertainment uses should not undermine the character and range of services offered in these local centres.
An objective is to support the Central City and local retail uses. A related strategy is:
Ensure that a proliferation of eating and entertainment establishments in local centres does not undermine the viability of their convenience retailing.
We would like to draw your attention to item 27 of the VACT determination which states: (Emphasis added)
A significant difficulty in implementing this strategy is the fact that the use of the land for a restaurant is not subject to a planning permit, given the Commercial 1 zoning of the land.
Under the provisions of the previously existing Business 1 zoning, there existed the ability to specify in the Schedule land upon which a restaurant use could not be established without a permit.
The Council had not nominated any land within the municipality in the Schedule.
With the change of zone, the ability to include this requirement has disappeared. As no permit is required for the use, it is difficult to understand how the strategy relating to the ‘proliferation’ of eating establishments can be implemented in a land use sense.
The regulatory tools necessary to give effect to the Council’s aspirations for this centre, as expressed in this specific strategy, do not form part of the suite of controls which apply in this case.
Welcome to the Melbourne South Yarra Residents’ Group web page
You will find here information about the association and issues that affect Melbourne South Yarra Residents postcode 3141 from Planing Applications, Representation and links to the City of Melbourne’s Web site.
Membership of the Association is open to all residents and ratepayers who live within the Melbourne City Council postcode 3141 boundaries (Commercial Road, Punt Road, Alexander Parade, St Kilda Road)
You can contact the Association by email
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